Well, my household is all healthy again. The son is consistently sleeping through the night, the wife’s tonsillitis is now all better and the daughter is, as always, a smiling bundle of joy. We though the son was an easy baby, but the daughter has set the new standard. She’s all smiles, and when she cries (which is extremely rare anyway) all it takes is a little cuddle to get her to stop.
She’s also learning to crawl, or at least we think she is. I say that because we’ve never seen her move. When we’re looking at her she lays on the floor quite happily, kicking and waving with great gusto and an absolute absence of locomotion. She will quite happily stay in one place grasping for toys that are just out of our reach all the time our eyes are on her.
If we then watch TV for a minute, pop to the toilet, stir a pot on the stove, get a drink from the fridge or even blink, the next time we look at the daughter, she will be in a completely different part of the room, in a completely different position.
But we’ll never see her move.
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