Lost Rambler

Life in the family lane

What a mess

September 5, 2007 by LostRambler

The son has a really nasty chest infection for which he is on antibiotics. He’s been ill for over a week, and is not eating. He has shrunk a nappy size. We’re very worried. He coughs all through the night and wakes himself up. He has trouble going to sleep.

The last one I can do something about. I usually sit in his room and do something on my laptop while he falls asleep. Today I thought about clearing up my desktop. I didn’t have time. I did take this picture of it. Would you believe there are 218 icons on my desktop. I really should be more organised.

My Desktop

By the time I had arranged them for the picture (no mean feat), the son was fast asleep.

Mission accomplished.

Posted in family, life |

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