The Docks at Night
Pictures and Captions
It had been a long time since I'd even picked up my camera.
Things had been busy at work and home. However, I decided that I
would go out and find something, anything to take a
picture of. Being 9pm in the evening, and already completely dark
outside, I was a little limited in my choices. I headed out of
Southampton to Totton, and set up in a Park across from Southampton
Low tide finds three container
ships being loaded up to take who-knows-what to
who-knows-where. |
A shopping trolley, visible only
at low tide. You have to wonder how it got there, miles away from
any supermarket. |
Marchwood Incinerator, which burns rubbish and
generates electricity, sits serenely across the water from
Southampton. This is a new addition to the area, and was under
construction in 2004 (below). |