
Five Days of Shared Rest

Pictures and Captions

Out of respect for the occasion I told Anne I wouldn't take any pictures. Turn me loose in a place like Cambodia with a camera, and you won't see me for days. The point of a honeymoon is to spend time together, and because of that I didn't do the copious note-taking and photographing that I usually do on a trip. Therefore there's no real story here, just a few of the nicer pictures that were taken. If you want to see a more in-depth exploration of the temples, read my report from a year ago.

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Being driven in our scooter-drawn carriage, we pass the north gate of Bantay Kdei.
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Elephants, a more expensive means of transportation. I can attest that looking at your reflection in the eye of a passing elephant is a profound experience.
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The influx of tourists has led to an influx of western bathroom fixtures, notably the sit-down toilet. Below, more traditional Cambodian facilities.
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A Gecko stalks his prey. This is insect control in a Siem Reap restaurant.


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Handing the camera to other tourists was our primary way of getting pictures. Tree Roots at the West Gate of Ta Som and one of the enigmatic faces of Angkor Thom (Anne's favourite temple)..
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I had brought a tripod with me, but I left it at the hotel the whole time. It would have been handy for these pictures of The Victory Gate of Angkor Thom (above) and The Baphon (below). I had to resort to balancing the camera on rocks and propping it up with twigs.
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The last half-day of the trip we changed scenery from temples to a tour of the floating village on the Tonle Sap lake.

There were definitely times when I wished I had my big camera to make the most of the photographic opportunities presented, but it was so nice to be on a vacation without it for two reasons. Firstly, the weight and expense of a serious camera is a big inconvenience that I enjoyed being without. Secondly, I was able to enjoy the experiences with my new wife without hiding behind my camera, which for this trip was the whole point.
