Entertainment at Expo

A Spontaneous Plan

Pictures and Notes

We found ourselves with no plan on Sunday afternoon, and after trying unsuccessfully to get movie tickets we decided to head to Expo Park to check out the dancing fountain. It turned out to be rather more than that. Yes there was a dancing fountain, but there was also fireworks, dancing and beer.

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Children watch as the fountain sends up fireballs.

The evening started with a short display from the fountain. The fountain shot up jets of water to classical music and ended by sending up fireballs as well. It was quite spectacular, and also seemed a little dangerous. A lot of kids were standing really close to the fountain.. When it finished, an announcement sent everyone scurrying to get good seats for the stage show that was about to commence.

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A South-African dancer stomps his way rythmetically around the stage ( Audio - 308KB).

The first act was African dancing. The dancers seemed relatively unattractive, with their bellies bouncing with each move. I guess that says a lot for their confidence as their costumes were quite skimpy. It was OK, but didn't seem to have the polish of a professional dance troupe.

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All swaying hips and bare bellies, the Uzbekistanis take to the stage.
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Following the African Dance was a group of Uzbekistani belly-dancers. And they were fantastic.

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Dancing with a veil.

Several costume changes later, the dancing became somewhat more cultural and involved a lot more clothing. The dresses were beautiful and the dances showed them off very nicely by involving a lot of twirling.

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The beautiful dresses of what I assume to be Uzbekistani traditional dancing.
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After the dancing came to an end, everyone moved back to the fountains. No-one could get close this time as it had been roped off. This time, instead of grand classical music we were treated to the best that Korean Pop has to offer, which I don't consider to be that great.

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Light and water creates a beautiful display as the dancing fountain gets going.
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Eventually the Pop turned into Rock and we were treated to a short firework display.

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A short firework display completes the fountain show.
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After the fountain show had finished, we browsed around the food stands and souvenir shops before heading back to the stage to see the show once more. The African dancing was exactly the same as it was before, but the belly-dancing was even better. I had already decided not to take any pictures, and it was great to just kick back and enjoy the show.

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Relaxing music finishes off the evening ( Audio - 358KB).

The final event of the night was some pleasant singing from two Koreans with guitars. At this point the heat was getting to me, so I bought a beer and thoroughly enjoyed the thirty minute concert they put on. When they finished, we went home.
