Halloween Party

Dressing Up In Daejon

Random Blathering and Pictures

As Halloween fell on a Thursday, the two bars we like to hang out in both decided to celebrate with costume parties on the Saturday before. So Marc and I headed out to the bad apple at about 11. We had some trouble flagging down a cab (the first three took one look at us and ran away as fast as they could), but fortunately one stopped right next to us to offload passengers, and we jumped in.

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We stayed for about an hour but it was quite quiet, so we decided to make for the zoo, which has a reputation for getting a little wild from time to time. A very kind Korean kindly flagged down a cab and explained that we weren't dangerous. Togun (aka Topgun), who runs the zoo had a good thing going on. The place was pretty full. He didn't really go whole hog on a costume though.

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A number of games were organised, including eating apples that were hanging from strings (no using hands), and an interesting shot drinking contest. The best game, in my opinion, was the suck and swallow, which was a team race to drink a pitcher of beer through straws. It was won, funnily enough, by a team of Koreans.

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Then of course, there was the costume competition. The winners, Jacki and Liam, were dressed as Dumb and Dumber.

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In celebrating their win, they proved that it really is dumb for a drunk person to jump onto the back of another drunk person while standing on a pool table.

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On leaving the bar, we had the same problem with cabs again. Marc thought he could solve the problem by chasing them down the street waving his gumdo sword. I think we were lucky not to have got into trouble over that one.
